Alteia R2023.15_ENG
  • UX & Photogrammetry improvements
  • User & Company management
UX & Photogrammetry improvements
Analytics catalogue - dataset selection

A progress bar is shown during the loading process when multiple datasets are available as input for analytics.

While loading the datasets, the following message  “Please wait while loading” appears.

Note : After the loading, when no datasets are found, the message No datasets satisfy the criterias” will be displayed.

Photogrammetry - Upload a survey

A warning is now displayed when a user attempts to upload images to the platform that do not contain useable geotags or metadata.

Photogrammetry - New metadata file formats

ÆTHER platform has expanded support for additional geotag file formats during the survey upload process. New options are available automatically when a customer uploads survey images that do not contain geolocation data.

New metadata file formats accepted:

  • ID, Y, X, Z
  • ID, Y, X, Z, Hacc, Vacc
  • ID, Y, X, Z, Roll, Pitch, Yaw
  • ID, Y, X, Z, Roll, Pitch, Yaw, Hacc, Vacc
User & Company management
User account activation

A user account created some time ago and not activated with the activation email can now be activated by requesting a new password. 

Grant Domain Roles - Enterprise accounts

Attribution or removing of domain role has been simplified:

  • “Add role” button allow to add the role to a user (no check box anymore)
  • Remove the role by clicking on the cross
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