Alteia R2023.39_Eng
  • Aether Rebranding
  • Feature improvements
Aether Rebranding
New wording for Modules and Analytics

The Aether platform and business use cases have evolved significantly since the initial platform release.

To improve the global consistency of the platform and reflect the current product vision, we have updated some of the module names and icons to better fit their purpose.

As part of the platform rebranding project, we have also updated our analytics display name and renamed and re-categorized our analytics catalogue to make it consistent and allow easier tools access.

Our tools are now divided into 4 categories : Computing Tool, Feature Extraction, Transformation Tool and Vegetation Assessment.

These updates have not impact on custom analytics.

For a complete overview of the renaming and new categorization of the analytics, please refer to our knowledge base article: Aether wording updates

Feature improvements
Data Studio (ex Your Sites)
Annotation Report

New capability to export annotation layers as PDF report. Reports contain annotations and the orthomosaic in background.

Construction use case : extract a report (ex: action plan) from all the annotations of a construction site.

Agricultural use case : extract a report of field observations (anomalies on the plants…) detected in the field (infield app) or on a map.

Data Studio (ex Your Sites)
New Advanced 3D viewer

New Aether‘s Advanced 3D viewer allows a user to manage and visualize a large 3-dimensional Model for a given site that has been processed via the photogrammetry analytic.

The new viewer is activable at project creation.

Please note that point cloud files are not compatible at the moment with the Advanced 3D viewer. 

Knowledge base article : Advanced 3D Viewer

Alteia knowledge base >
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