blog 1

World Bank Group

Public organization

50,000+ employees

100,000 MEUR yearly budget

Project overview

Assess and enhance road infrastructure data quality at scale using big data and artificial intelligence

The cost to assess road infrastructure can be prohibitive from ground-truth collection and could take up
to two years to cover 25,000 km.

Alteia collaborated with World Bank Group to develop a software application on top of the Aether platform to help extract accurate insights from road networks at scale in developing countries based on freely accessible data.


less costly

Project highlights

Network conflation from GIS databases

Leverage open source and proprietary databases to build a more granular and accurate road network at country level.

Aggregation of satellite tiles at scale

Leverage the data flow module, automatically pick the right satellite data for further analysis.

Analytics development to extract road attributes

Development of ML models for road condition and quality assessment.

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