Alteia projects

Benefit from Alteia expertise to build your vision AI strategy and deploy your projects

Alteia 5-step project methodology

Alteia 5-step project methodology

Alteia core competencies

Organizational change management

Our cumulative experience of projects with our clients have enabled us to define the ingredients of a winning change management approach. Change is often perceived as causing irrational and unpredictable behavior. In fact, the risks associated with change are not only predictable but measurable and manageable. A thorough risk assessment allows you to proactively define the actions necessary for the success of a project. We help you to :  
  • Structure, orchestrate and deploy the change
  • Unleash energies to engage employees at the heart of your transformation
  • Mobilize leadership to inspire the entire organization

Application development

Our objective is to get the right insight to the right people at the right time using the right technologies. Focus on your core business without the pain of building a full-stack environment from scratch. Leverage Alteia's project team to do so :  
  • Create applications that interact with your data using our SDK
  • Push your AI models into the platform using Alteia's CLI
  • Deploy your application instantaneously to make it available to your entire organization

ML Ops

  • Retrain algorithms as needed
  • Manage retraining pipelines based on incoming data
  • Detect anomalies as they occur when using unsupervised algorithms
  • Update the predictions for business users as needed, using the latest data
  • Leverage our ML Ops expertise

Data Governance and security

  • Supervise, assess, and configure the right level of automation with “human-in-the-loop” AI supervision and decision making
  • Configure when to automatically retrain and promote models based on key performance metrics and checks, or set up an expert approval process
  • Monitor your data to understand how your organization interacts with the platform
  • Meet rigorous security and governance requirements with rich metadata including Single Sign On, data encryption, etc.

Domain expertise

We help our clients shape their digital vision around vision AI. We accompany them on their journey to generate alpha in their respective industry by creating high business value through visual data and artificial intelligence. We respect the fact that they are the domain experts. That said, they need partners that understand their problems and daily concerns to appropriately help solve them. 
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Process automation and platform deployment

We enable our clients in their journey towards effective & efficient but also innovative & creative business operations. Seamlessly connect to, and work in harmony with major cloud infrastructure and service providers without compromising on stringent data governance, compliance, and security requirements.

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Alteia projects






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faster to deploy with Alteia methodology

Case studies